Mentoring Program
Leviot program is a result of a unique cooperation between W2W and the Behavioral Sciences branch in the IDF Intelligence Division.

The main goal of the program is to increase the percentage of Female Senior officers in the Intelligence Division while building one of kind
Community as a platform for networking and personal development for the participants.
The participants are accompanied by a group of mentors combined from C Level female professionals in a variety of fields and leading companies as Siemens, Intel, Check Point etc. The mentoring program will provide consultation and advice for setting the mentee's milestones on their road for fulfilling their aspirations' and professional goals.
The program is Led by Head of the Behavioral Sciences branch, Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Shapira, and Colonel Res. Ruth Shoham. The content of the workshops is led by Major Tamar Glick who's in charge of Senior Command Development in the Intelligence Division.